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Vaastu Tips
Nature and Energy Fields Elements
As stated earlier we live in and are surrounded by five elements of the nature and energy fields of various type created by them. On an open ground these elements or energy fields operate freely and as it happens in the case of any energy field there is an equilibrium. When a structure is placed in this energy field the equilibrium is affected and has to be restored. When this is achieved in a proper manner a harmonious flow of energy is present in the building. This harmony influence the natives by making their lives harmonious which means a trouble free and prosperous life.
While a defective construction obstructs there forces which results in a distorted field inside the building. This distortion is responsible for all the misfortunes and misery of the occupants. When simultaneously they are also passing through astrologically bad Dasha's misfortune increases manifold.
Vastu vidya is a science in itself because its effects in a Vastu deficient/defective structure can be felt/observed. We come across number of houses and natives where one or other tragedies have taken place during certain period of time. Research works carried out on the pyramid models/Domes and Temples have shown that a distinct energy field exists inside the four walls of a pyramid. These structures carry all energy into a point focus.
The Indian sages were perhaps the most practical scientists ever lived. Who had realised during their time that research on a trial and error basis took long time and the conclusion arrived at was not completely infallible. Human consciousness and intelligence has its limitations and we see regularly that the scientific truths of yesterday are being disproved today, the sages felt that the answer lay in their own minds as they were but a part of the force which created the Universe. Hence he went to the source directly and obtained the answer, which were infallible, and error free. Our sages had defind significators of various planets for various direction and their impact on the human being. These are shows on the table.
Defective North leads to business problem, financial instability