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Understanding Zodiac Signs
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Western astrologers consider the position of Sun in a particular zodiac sign for their astrological predictions. By transition the Sun is in Aries from 22nd March to 20th April. Approximately this is equal to the Hindu Chaitra month according to Indian calendar. According to astrologers there can be a difference of one or two days in these dates. Therefore persons who are born between these dates can follow their astrological predictions of Aries according to Western Astrologers.
Aries occupies the first place in the zodiac system. As it is apparent from the name itself. It is symbolized by the animal Ram or Sheep. As the female sheep is the epitome of simplicity and a strict disciplinarian, On the contrary male sheep is more violent and freedom lover. The letters for names (Namakshar) allotted to different padas of Nakshatras involved in the formation of ARIES sign..

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